Detection of the risk factors of development of dental diseases at schoolchildren in Kharkiv
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dental diseases

How to Cite

Kryvenko, L. (2020). Detection of the risk factors of development of dental diseases at schoolchildren in Kharkiv. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 73(4), 92–95. Retrieved from


The hygienic knowledge and skills of 156 schoolchildren have been studied. Their subjective assessment of oral health as one of the most important directions in the formation of a healthy lifestyle for young people have been presented. The level of hygiene knowledge and skills of schoolchildren has been estimated using a traditional questionnaire method among organized populations recommended by WHO for epidemiological studies. It is shown, that the level of hygiene knowledge of schoolchildren is insufficient which is a significant risk factor for the development of dental diseases in the future. The development of methods for educating the children's contingent, taking into account the most problematic issues identified as a result of the survey, is promising.

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