Use of solu-medrol to reduce lymphorrhea after mastectomy
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breast cancer

How to Cite

Boyko, V., Makarov, V., Ovcharenko, O., & Tarasenko, L. (2020). Use of solu-medrol to reduce lymphorrhea after mastectomy. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 73(4), 67–71. Retrieved from


The effectiveness of the use of Solu-Medrol in the prevention and treatment of long-term and volumetric postoperative lymphorrhea after radical mastectomy with lymphodisection has been studied. The results of treatment of 36 patients (the main group) were analyzed, which in addition to traditional surgical and conservative therapy, taking into account the prognostically unfavorable risk factors for the development of lymphorrhea in the postoperative period, were supplemented with conservative agents by the administration of Solu-Medrol. All patients intraoperatively were equipped with double low-vacuum drains, which allowed, in addition to evacuation of fluid from the postoperative wound, to track the daily volume of lymphorrhea after mastectomy. Patients of the main group had a minimal period of productive lymphorrhea within 6 days, and a maximum period of 10 days. The use of Solu-Medrol in the main group allowed to reduce the minimum duration of productive lymphorrhea by three days, and the maximum – by 6 days, it’s indicates the effectiveness of the proposed method of conservative postoperative therapy.

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