Features of the blood supply of the fastigial and interpositus nucleus of the human brain
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globosus nucleus
emboliform nucleus

How to Cite

Shyian, D., & Markovskiy, V. (2020). Features of the blood supply of the fastigial and interpositus nucleus of the human brain. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 73(4), 22–25. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/442


The peculiarities of the blood supply of fastigial and interpositus nuclei of the cerebellum have been revealed with the help of classical and modern research methods. Blood supply sources of these nuclei have been established. The places of the predominant entry of the arteries into the studied nuclei have been determined. Anastomoses between arteries, supplying fastigial and interpositus nuclei of the cerebellum, have been revealed. Arterial branches of these nuclei are subjected to high individual variability.

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