Fractal analysis of the white matter of phylogenetically different parts of the human cerebellum cortex
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fractal analysis
white matter

How to Cite

Stepanenko, A. (2020). Fractal analysis of the white matter of phylogenetically different parts of the human cerebellum cortex. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 73(4), 16–21. Retrieved from


The 100 objects – cerebellar corpses of people of both sexes, who died of causes not related to brain pathology, aged 20–95 years have been studied. The fractal dimension of the phylogenetically different regions of the white matter of the human cerebellum worm and its regularities – the dependence on sex, age, and weight of the cerebellum have been established. Fractal analysis of digitized images of the median sagittal section of the cerebellar worm by box-counting was performed. The nature of the statistical distribution of the values of the fractal index was estimated using variational statistics. The values of the white matter of the white matter of the neocerebellum (1.38±0.10) are somewhat larger than the upper paleocerebellum (1.36±0.01) and the lower paleocerebellum together with the archierebellum (1.33±0.10). Differences in the values of the fractal index of fractal index of all phylogenetically different regions of the cerebellar cortex in males and females are small and statistically insignificant (p>0.5). There is a pronounced dependence of fractal index on age, somewhat smaller in the upper paleocerebellum (r=-0.44) than in neocerebellum and lower paleocerebellum with archicerebellum (r=-0.62). Fractal index of the white matter does not depend on the mass of the cerebellum. The established regularities make it possible to use the fractal index as a morphometric objective criterion of the state of the white matter of the cerebellar cortex for the diagnosis of various diseases of the cerebellum and other structures of the central nervous system.

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