Doppler-echocardiographic examination with registration of parameters of right part of heart has been performed in randomized cohort controlled longitudinal study including 212 patients with systemic arterial hypertension of І–ІІІ stages, 1st–3rd degrees on the background of bronchopulmonary pathology (10 cases of chronic bronchitis, 22 – bronchial asthma, 134 – chroniс obstructive pulmonary disease, 46 – pneumoconioses) and 30 healthy (control) subjects. Among parameters of hemodynamics of right part of heart evident prognostic values has been stated for (by descending influence power): right ventricle front wall thickness (38 %, р<0.01), time of right ventricular pre-ejection (37 %, р<0.01), mean pulmonary artery pressure (30 %, р<0.01), time of getting maximal bloodstream velocity (29 %, р<0.01), of right ventricle ejection (3 %, р<0.05), their ratio (2 %, р<0.05), right ventricle transversal size in diastole (18 %, р<0.01), pulmonary artery diameter (2 %, р<0.05), right atrium diameter (2 %, р<0.05), diameter of right ventricle ostium (2 %, р<0.05). Basing on this, a protocol of cardiovascular risk prognosis has been developed. Estimation of parameters of prognostic value of the protocol in three-year dynamics has showed the following values: sensitivity – 94,5 %, specificity – 72,2 %, positive predicting value – 79,6 %, negative predicting value – 91,9 %.
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