Stages of hypertension and the frequency of the appointment of certain groups of cardiac drugs in patients at the annual stage of pacing
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drug therapy
the annual period of observation

How to Cite

Derienko , T., Volkov , D., Lopyn , D., & Yabluchansky , N. (2020). Stages of hypertension and the frequency of the appointment of certain groups of cardiac drugs in patients at the annual stage of pacing. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 71(2–3), 21–25. Retrieved from


We observed 131 patients (70 men and 61 women) aged 69,5±11,6 at the annual stage of drug therapy after implantation of pacemakers in the DDD / DDDR modes, VVI / VVIR and CRT-P / CRT-D. We took into account the frequency of the appointment of major groups of cardiac drugs in patients with a pacemaker at the annual stage of observation, depending on the stage of hypertension. Results showed that frequency of diuretics, β-blockers, calcium channel blockers, ACE inhibitors, antiarrhythmics, and statins increased after implantation of a pacemaker. The frequency of the appointment of drugs was determined by the stage of hypertension, and the annual follow-up the stage III of hypertension required more frequent, than the stage II of hypertension, appointment of diuretics, blockers, ACE inhibitors, antiplatelet agents and inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase. Patients with implanted pacemaker require individualized medication approach, taking into account the stage of hypertension.

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