Myosymplasts ultrastructure of skeletal muscle in experimental animals at different times after a gunshot wound
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gunshot wound of soft tissues
ultrastructure of myosymplast
mitochondrial dysfunction

How to Cite

Mihaylusov, R., Nevzorov, V., & Nevzorova, O. (2020). Myosymplasts ultrastructure of skeletal muscle in experimental animals at different times after a gunshot wound. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 71(2–3), 10–16. Retrieved from


The results of electron-microscopic study of the ultrastructural organization myosymplasts rabbit thigh skeletal muscles 30 and 60 days after a gunshot wound. It was revealed, that degenerative changes in intracellular structures of myosymplasts often escalate into the destruction phase. Some organelles myosymplasts been exposed to degenerative changes in the form of swelling of mitochondria decrease in the number of cristae, expansion of the perinuclear space and condensation of nuclear chromatin in the nucleus membrane. Part myosymplasts have expressed destructive violations that indicate a predominance of catabolic processes of reparative and synthetic. Presented changes of submicroscopic architectonics of myosymplasts are within the physiological compensation and are reversible.

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