Structure and individual anatomical variability of the lobule VI of the human cerebellar hemispheres
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white matter
arbor vitae cerebelli
individual anatomical variability

How to Cite

Maryenko, N., Stepanenko, O., & Linnyk, A. (2020). Structure and individual anatomical variability of the lobule VI of the human cerebellar hemispheres. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 71(2–3), 5–9. Retrieved from


The individual variability and features of variant anatomy of the lobule VI of the human cerebellar hemispheres have been investigated. Parasagittal sections of the cerebellar vermis were investigated on 100 cerebellums of people of both sexes, who died of causes unrelated to brain pathology (20–99 years old). The shape of the lobules, peculiarities of branching of the white matter, the number and arrangement of folia were investigated. The data were processed by standard statistical methods. The 3 types and 18 variants of the shape of lobule VI of the human cerebellar hemispheres have been described. The most common variants are 4, 10 and 11. Structure of the lobule is different on serial parasagittal sections: in medial parts of hemispheres lobule is more simplex, that in the lateral parts.

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