Gender peculiarities of the cytokines level depending on the physical development of children ill with community-acquired pneumonia
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physical development in children
community-acquired pneumonia in children

How to Cite

Borodina, O. (2020). Gender peculiarities of the cytokines level depending on the physical development of children ill with community-acquired pneumonia. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 70(1), 29–35. Retrieved from


The serum cytokine IL-1β, IL-4 and TNF-α level has been studied in children with community-acquired noncomplicated pneumonia and different physical development. On the basis of multivariate analysis data, increase in IL-1β was determined in male patients with typical physical development and underweight male pediatric patients as well as in overweight female pediatric patients. It is shown, that activity of bronchopulmonary inflammatory process at increase in IL-4 level was less evident in underweight girls with community-acquired pneumonia than in boys of the same group. These data proved the need for intensification of further research of immunoregulatory mechanisms in response to inflammatory process of bronchopulmonary apparatus depending on the level of physical development in pediatric patient with community-acquired noncomplicated pneumonia as well as development of informative forecasting methods regarding the course of disease.

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