The work highlighted the features of involving the digestive system in the dysplastic process. It was established, that in the progression of dysplastic process in children the significant role belongs to the development of the pathology of the digestive system, the rate of which increased in two times – from 24.0 to 48.5 %. The most common dysplastic manifestations of the digestive system in children with impaired fibrillogenesis disorders were: malformations of the gallbladder (78.6 %), dolichosigma (41.2 %), reflux (40.0 %). Significant phenotypic markers of the gastrointestinal tract in children with fibrillogenesis disorders are: asthenic constitution, skin hyperelastosis, hypognathia, joint hypermobility, arachnodactyly. This asthenic constitution of children in violation of fibrillogenesis is a kind of compensatory mechanism concerning of the reduction of dysplastic manifestations of the digestive system, as in the development of gastroesophageal reflux
(r=-0,797), dolichosigma (r=-0,926), partition walls of the gallbladder (r=0,750). The results serve to design a complex of preventive measures on the prevention of digestive system involvement in the pathological process in this group of patients.
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