In the work data of an experimental study of an electrical conductivity of fragments of 12 musculocutaneous flaps are presented and there are determined the temporary parameters of viability: for skin – 30 hours, for subcutaneous fat – 13 hours and for muscles – 3 hours, with histological confirmation in dynamics of observation. The received results are inserted in clinical practice of treatment of 30 patients with scalped and combined injuries of extremities that has allowed to increase percent of engraftment of flaps and autotransplantations after an initial surgical involvement with a primary skin grafting to 30 %, to reduce hospitalization terms to 13 days, to diminish the quantity of operations by one patient in 1.35 times. Introduction into practice of easily accessible method of early preliminary treatment of tissue viability on the basis of studying the electrical conductivity has given the chance to perform the qualitative objective initial surgical d-bridement of wounds in scalped and combined injuries of extremities and to enrich outcomes of treatment of patients with the given pathology.
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