Features of the diagnostics of diseases of main bile duct, complicated by mechanical jaundice
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main bile duct
mechanical jaundice
spiral computer tomography
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography

How to Cite

Boyko, V., Avdosyev, Y., & Sochnieva, A. (2020). Features of the diagnostics of diseases of main bile duct, complicated by mechanical jaundice. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 74(1), 45–53. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/397


We examined 118 patients with diseases of main bile duct, complicated with mechanical jaundice. The diagnostic algorithm included non-invasive and invasive methods. It is established, that the diagnostic capabilities of various methods vary over a wide range. The possibilities of diagnostic methods in determining the etiology and differential diagnosis of diseases of main bile duct have been demonstrated.

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