Prospects for the use of drugs in complex antileukotriene protocol treatment of children with asthma
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chronic allergic disease
anti-inflammatory therapy
antileukotriene drugs
Montelukast (Singlon)

How to Cite

Chernusky, V., Govalenkova, O., Letyago, A., Kashina-Yarmak, V., & Evdokimova, T. (2020). Prospects for the use of drugs in complex antileukotriene protocol treatment of children with asthma. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 74(1), 38–44. Retrieved from


The etiopathogenesis of asthma in children have been discussed in this article. The  metabolism of arachidonic acids by the lipoxygenase pathway of leukotriene synthesis is given. The pathogenetic role of leukotrienes in the development and maintenance of chronic allergic inflammation in the respiratory system is debated. The characteristics of antileukotriene drugs and their use within the framework of the global strategy for the treatment and prevention of bronchial asthma in children is given (GINA, 2011).

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