Morphometric peculiarities of the brain taking into the account the type of the skull and the sizes of the posterior cranial fossa
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posterior cranial fossa
type of the skull
individual anatomical variability

How to Cite

Shyian, D., & Markovskiy, V. (2020). Morphometric peculiarities of the brain taking into the account the type of the skull and the sizes of the posterior cranial fossa. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 74(1), 24–32. Retrieved from


In the thesis the features of individual anatomical variability of the size and shape of the cerebellum were determined taking into account the type of the skull and the size of the posterior cranial fossa. We revealed regularities between the morphometric parameters of the cerebellum vermis and the cerebellar hemispheres and the morphometric parameters of the posterior cranial fossa, taking into account the type of the skull and sex. In men all sizes, regardless of the type of skull, are greater than in women. The length and width of the cerebral hemispheres and worm decreased with age. The obtained results are quite stable, with the high level of probability and can be recommended for usage in practical and theoretical medical institutions.

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