Ultrasound features of pelvic organs in adolescent with primary dysmenory on the background of extragenital pathology
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adolescent girls
endometrial hyperplasia

How to Cite

Dobrovolska, L. (2020). Ultrasound features of pelvic organs in adolescent with primary dysmenory on the background of extragenital pathology. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 104–108. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/385


The article presents the main ultrasound changes of internal genitalia in girls with primary dysmenorrhea. A total of 171 girls: 148 patients with dysmenorrhea syndrome (main group) and 23 girls without gynecological pathology – aged 14–18 were examined. A comprehensive study included echosonography, Doppler mapping of pelvic organs, in comparison with clinical and laboratory data. It was established, that the ultrasound picture of the pelvic organs and dopplerographic indices in girls with dysmenorrhea syndrome differ significantly from those of healthy adults, and the most pronounced changes were detected in severe form of the disease. The majority of patients with dysmenorrhea syndrome with moderate and severe forms of the disease showed significant echosonographic changes in the form of an increase in the size of the uterus, endometrial hyperplasia, enlargement of the ovaries, often due to retention formations. These changes are revealed against extragenital pathology in 100 % of patients and are accompanied by an increase in the levels of prostaglandins and a number of pro-inflammatory cytokines.

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