Clinical-hormonal and ultrasound assessments of adolescents and young women with ovarian cysts
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ovarian cyst
young women

How to Cite

Gnatenko, O. (2020). Clinical-hormonal and ultrasound assessments of adolescents and young women with ovarian cysts. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 99–103. Retrieved from


The study involved examination of 140 patients (80 teenagers aged 12–17 and 60 women of young reproductive age) with symptoms of acute abdomen in order to improve diagnosis and choice of treatment. The final diagnosis of the ovarian cyst was confirmed in 132 patients out of 140 (94.5 %). Doppler, computer and magnetic resonance imagings were used to confirm the preoperative diagnosis. In the process of diagnosis, clinical-hormonal and ultrasound markers of the choice of treatment tactics were established. Functional ovarian cysts with typical echographic signs and visualized peripheral blood flow patients should be prescribed non-operative treatment and laparoscopy should be considered a method of choice in operative treatment of ovarian cysts at young age, with organ-preserving surgeries, which will help preserve the reproductive potential of future mothers.

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