Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer
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cervical cancer

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Klyuchko, E. (2020). Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy of locally advanced cervical cancer. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 85–93. Retrieved from


Over the past decade, there are significant advances in the problem of studying the pathogenesis, clinical course and treatment of cervical disease. However, cervical cancer now continues to occupy one of the first places in the world among all malignant neoplasms of female genital mutilation. We study cases of CС with histologically confirmed cervical cancer with performing of different scheme of RT and CRT. Results of our research of combined and complex treatment in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer testify to the advantage of our proposed scheme of neoadjuvant CRT, which allows further radical surgical treatment and significantly improves results of 3 years disease-free survival.

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