Features of the prevention of insolvency esophagоentero anastomosis
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gastric cancer
surgical treatment
esophagoentero anastomosis

How to Cite

Viun, S., Makarov, V., Tsodikov, V., & Tarasenko, L. (2020). Features of the prevention of insolvency esophagоentero anastomosis. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 80–84. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/382


The results of various methods of esophagоeoentero anastomoses using in 157 patients were analyzed. It was established, that the best results were obtained in the formation of esophagoentero anastomoses according to the method proposed by us by using reinforcing sero-serous sutures. In cases of using reinforcing sutures, cultures from the abdominal cavity are sterile from 5th days after the operation and further, throughout the study. When forming an anastomosis without such an abdominal cavity begins to «clean» from the microflora only by 7th days. This technique can reduce the number of postoperative complications in the form of anastomoses failure from 13.2 to 6.7 %, which positively affects on the quality of patients life.

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