Study of in vitro electrochemical potentials of orthodontic elements and elements of bracket systems
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orthodontic products
electrochemical potentials
orthodontic rings

How to Cite

Sevidova, Y., Stepanova, I., Shcheholieva, M., & Krolivets, T. (2020). Study of in vitro electrochemical potentials of orthodontic elements and elements of bracket systems. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 34–40. Retrieved from


One of the main disadvantages of long-term use of various metal structures and devices for orthodontic treatment of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformations in children and adolescents is the manifestation of electrochemical properties by metals and participation in electrochemical processes that can occur in the oral cavity and cause galvanazing. In the research we have developed a technique for measuring the electrochemical potentials of metal products used for orthodontic treatment, which makes it possible to increase the objectivity of measurement results, including small-sized ones, and also to evaluate the electrochemical "heterogeneity" of each metal structures. Four types of real orthodontic products have been examined. There were self-ligating braces with nickel-titanium clips, retainers (steel 304), individual rings with wire spacers (12Х18Н9Т) and standard ligation braces (steel 304). The analysis of the obtained values helped to find out which orthodontic products possess a minimal risk of galvanic complications, and which are the most heterogeneous in terms of electrochemical activity. The proposed technique for examination of the electrochemical potentials of orthodontic products can be used in the preliminary stage of treatment to assess the expectance of galvanic complications in patients.

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