Correlation between mineral and lipid metabolism in patients with coronary artery disease and obesity
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coronary artery disease
mineral metabolism

How to Cite

Ivanova, K. (2020). Correlation between mineral and lipid metabolism in patients with coronary artery disease and obesity. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 41–47. Retrieved from


The features of calcium-phosphorous metabolism have been in 98 patients with coronary artery disease, depending on the body mass index and the correlation between the mineral and lipid metabolism has been evaluate. Patients with CAD were divided into groups depending on the degree of obesity. The control group included 20 healthy people of the same sex and age. The parameters of the mineral metabolism of blood serum were not higher than the reference norms, however they were significantly higher in patients with CAD and obesity I–II in comparison with other groups. The rates of mineral metabolism in daily urine were significantly higher in patients with CAD and obesity II. Consequently, the comorbidity of CAD and obesity is a high risk of developing osteodeficiency states, which is confirmed by early changes in the parameters of calcium-phosphorus metabolism, but overweight in patients with CAD can «provide» a protective effect on the development of osteodeficiency.

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