Classification of foreign bodies of soft tissues of fire of origin
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foreign bodies
soft tissues
firearms wound

How to Cite

Negoduyko, V. (2020). Classification of foreign bodies of soft tissues of fire of origin. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 30–33. Retrieved from


The foreign bodies of soft tissues of fire-like origin are systematized. The classification of foreign bodies of soft tissues is based on the data of the origin of the external body, the structure, mechanism of action on the tissue, the temperature of the exterior body, the density of the exterior body, size, weight, shape, quantity, location, depth of occurrence, mobility, magnetic properties, X-ray diffraction, radiographic density, ultrasound manifestations, laser visualization, terms of stay in soft tissues, presence and degree of maturity of the capsule around the exterior body, removability. It is recommended to define diagnostic and therapeutic tactics taking into account the classification characteristics.

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