The state of humoral immunity in patients with shingles
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humoral immunity
circulating immune complexes

How to Cite

Gaydash, I., & Novitsky , A. (2020). The state of humoral immunity in patients with shingles. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 76(3–4), 19–24. Retrieved from


The activity of humoral immunity in patients with shingles has been studied. It is established, that in the acute period of the disease an increase in the serum concentration of circulating immune complexes takes place, mainly at the expense of the most pathogenic median molecular and small-molecular ones, an increase in the blood levels of α-interferon, γ-interferon, immunoglobulins of class M, with direction to the decrease in the level of immunoglobulin of class G takes place. The severity of violations of the indicators of humoral immunity depends on the severity of shingles, and is the largest in severe disease. In the reconvalescence phase in patients who have undergone shingles, the indicators of humoral immunity are significantly improved, but the complete normalization of the levels of general circulating immune complexes and their fractions does not occur.

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