The status of vitamin D in patients with seborrheic dermatitis
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seborrheic dermatitis
clinical manifestation
impaired status of vitamin D

How to Cite

Bolotna, L., & Narozhna, M. (2020). The status of vitamin D in patients with seborrheic dermatitis. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 78–82. Retrieved from


The results of a study of the level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D in the blood of 42 patients with seborrheic dermatitis at the age of 28–52 years are presented. Changes in the status of vitamin D have been determined by a significant decrease in the level of the transport form of the vitamin of 1.9 compared to that in the healthy personalities. A clear dependence of the level of calcidiol on the clinical manifestations of dermatosis (type, severity) was established. Vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency is established in 92,7 % of patients, which requiring correction.

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