Rehabilitation of patients with consequences of mine-explosive trauma of lower extremities on the policlinic stage
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mine-explosive trauma
policlinic stage
lower extremities
east massage
Arabic bath

How to Cite

Litovchenko, V., Dandash, K., Pidkopay, D., Garyachiy, Y., & Sharbel, Y. (2020). Rehabilitation of patients with consequences of mine-explosive trauma of lower extremities on the policlinic stage. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 64–70. Retrieved from


Research was conducted in the clinic of the Medical center «Dorra-Center» Belbek (the state Livan) on the base of therapeutic physical training gym. In all 48 persons which parted on two equivalent clinical groups took part in research – basic and control (for 24 patients in each). Patients of the I (control) group was conduct the complex of rehabilitation measures in obedience to the traditional program of physical rehabilitation, accepted in this clinic, patients of the II (basic) group – to the program, which plugged in itself a medical gymnastics, classic massage of muscles of the back for the local removal of primary displays of osteochondrosis of spine, offered by us, course of massage procedures for the damaged extremity with the elements of east massage and procedure of east bath on the basis of Arabic bath. It is determined, that at the positive dynamics of the functional state of patients of both clinical groups more expressed and for certain the best results were got exactly at patients of basic group, to which a physical rehabilitation was conducted in obedience to the program offered by us. In addition, at patients of basic group in identical terms and volumes of supervision, the indicated indexes were better, than for the patients of control group.

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