The use of morphine for postoperative analgesia in gerontological patients with polytrauma
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gerontologic patients
cyclooxygenase inhibitor
visual analog scale

How to Cite

Dolzhenko, M. (2020). The use of morphine for postoperative analgesia in gerontological patients with polytrauma. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 45–53. Retrieved from


The efficacy and safety of morphine use for postoperative analgesia of gerontological patients with polytrauma have been determined. 31 patients aged over 60 years with a skeletal polytrauma were examined. All patients received morphine 10 mg as postoperative analgesia. The study was conducted on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th days after the operation. The level of pain by the visual analog scale, the concentration of stress markers, the mediators of the systemic inflammatory response, and the parameters of the system of regulation of the aggregate state of the blood were determined, the daily need for analgesics, the frequency of their administration, the side effects of drugs for anesthesia, the duration of effective analgesia were taken into account. It was found, that the mechanism of analgesia μ agonist morphine is not associated with the etiopathogenetic links of the pain syndrome, but only with the interruption of nociceptive impulses.

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