Approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal division of the colon
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neurogenic bladder disorders
neurogenic bowel dysfunction

How to Cite

Vozianov, S., Zakharash, M., Chabanov, P., Zacharash, Y., Sevastianova, N., Ugarov, V., & Repryntseva, A. (2020). Approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with a combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal division of the colon. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 58–63. Retrieved from


The results of diagnosis and treatment of patients with combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal division of the colon are presented. Efficacy was evaluated using electromyography. The obtained results were the basis for the substantiation of the principles of differential treatment of patients with a combined neurogenic pathology of the lower urinary tract and distal division of the colon, which allowed improving the effectiveness of treatment.

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