Histological, immunohistochemical, and genetic properties of stomach cancer have been studied. Interest was presented as a quantitative study of the marker expression in the population of patients with stomach cancer, and the correlation between these three groups. The histological panel consisted of 16 markers: the degree of differentiation of the primary tumor; localization of the tumor in the stomach; degree of infiltration of stomach wall; stage; number of lymph nodes removed during lymph node dissection; the number of metastatic lymph nodes; the tumor size measured by the morphologist; type of growth; lymphatic invasion; venous invasion; residual tumor disease; histological classification of the tumor according to the ICD-O; the tendency of stomach cancer to perineural tumor growth in the wall of the stomach; the presence of emboli in the vessels of the lymphatic and venous type; relationship between stroma/parenchyma; type of tumor growth according to JGCA (I–V). The immunohistochemical markers studied were р53, Ki-67, HER2/new, VEGFR-1, VEGFR-3. Only in 6 patients at the time of this writing there were studies of the presence of more complex tests, including ERCC1, TS, CDH1, MLH1, MSH2, topo2, BRCA-1, PIC3CA. Eventually the effect of marker expression on survival were studied and the survival of patients with stomach cancer with combinations of marker characteristics were compared. The only value of a very strong correlation in the study of the presented group of patients (n=26) was obtained by studying the relationship between the lifespan and the expression of the E-cadherin protein reflecting the presence of a genetically stable form of stomach cancer.
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