Psychosocial stress has a significant impact on the development of stress-associated disorders. 383 patients with cerebrovascular pathology on different stage of diseases were observed at Kharkiv Regional Clinical Hospital – Emergency and Disaster Medicine Center during 2016–2018. The psychosocial stress assessed by using the scale of measurement severity of psychosocial stress by L. Reeder. Each group subdivided into a Boston Stress Test. It is determined that increased stress risk combined with an increasing level of psychosocial stress. For each group of stress risk described specific qualitative psychological phenomena that formed psychosocial stress profiles. The combination high-pressure stressors and somatic pathologies formed a specific disadaptive disposition with a potentially higher risk of developing stress-related disorders. In patients at different stages of cerebrovascular pathology with different levels of stress, there was a psychological disposition with a stress-unstable profile.
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