We studied the features of the presence and severity of the phenomena of hostility and guilt in patients with alcohol dependence (AD) with different levels of psychosocial stress. To understand the ways of modifying the existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies, taking into account the aggravating effect of these phenomena on its formation and the course of clinical, psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods, 312 men were examined: 107 combatants, 89 internally displaced people and 116 residents of Kharkov and Kharkov region. It was established that patients with AD of various social groups and with different severity of psychosocial stress are characterized by an overestimated degree of severity of hostility and guilt. In addition, it was found that an increased degree of hostility is a destructive pathognomonic factor for the clinical picture of AD, having a devastating effect on the mental state and level of social functioning of the individual, and does not have a linear relationship with the level of psychosocial stress inherent in patients. The degree of severity of guilt is inversely related to the level of psychosocial stress: with an increase in the level of stress, the number of people with a high degree of guilt decreases, and the most common guilt is in people with mild psychosocial stress. We came to the conclusion that the phenomena of hostility and guilt are both predictors and derivatives in the structure of AD, which creates a vicious circle of their pathological interactions.
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