The specifics of the emergence of methods of psychological protection were studied in combatants with eye trauma and partial vision loss against the background of clinical manifestations of the post-traumatic syndrome in order to determine further target targets of medical and psychological measures for their rehabilitation. The study used tests: «Psychological protection» by Plutchik–Kellerman–Conte, «Determination of propensity for rejecting behaviour» (A.N. Orel), Test of viability in adaptation D.A. Leontiev and Ye.I. Rasskazova. It has been shown that an eye injury on the background of clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome significantly strengthens and expands the range of methods of psychological protection. The figures are significantly higher than in case of a domestic eye injury. In addition, they are higher with a combination of pathologies than with individual clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome. In contrast, when analyzing the propensity for deviating behavior, the performance with a combination of both processes was lower than with individual clinical manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome. The results indicate the active interaction of both pathological processes in the formation of psychological protection. Thereat there is a decrease in viability indicators, which indicates the depletion of mental resources against the background of the combination of two processes.
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