Influence of modified non-adainant chemi-ray therapy on survival of patients with non-inflammatory and anaplastic therapy cancer
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low-differentiated thyroid cancer
morphological diagnosis
neoadjuvant chemo-ray therapy

How to Cite

Vasko, A., & Gargin, V. (2020). Influence of modified non-adainant chemi-ray therapy on survival of patients with non-inflammatory and anaplastic therapy cancer. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 79(2), 88–95. Retrieved from


A morphological assessment of the effect of modified neoadjuvant chemo-ray therapy, as well as an assessment of three-year survival in patients with poorly differentiated and undifferentiated (anaplastic) thyroid cancer is presented. The main group of 20 patients received a modified neoadjuvant chemo-ray therapy, the comparison group of 18 patients at the first stage received surgical treatment. Due to the modified neoadjuvant chemo-ray therapy in patients with poorly differentiated and undifferentiated (anaplastic) thyroid cancer, the level of radical operations was increased to 65 % of cases, which had a positive effect on the future prognosis of these patients. A microscopic examination with a macroscopic characteristic determined the morphological grade of malignancy in groups based on materials of postoperative surgical studies. Used the method of treatment of patients with low-grade thyroid cancer, based on neoadjuvant radiation treatment with radio modification with Docetaxel. When analyzing the three-year relapse-free and overall survival of the patients, it was found that, thanks to the application of the developed method, surgical treatment was carried out more radically, the recurrence rate was reduced by 34.80 % and the three-year patient survival was increased by 27.15 %.

PDF (Українська)


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