A comparative analysis of personal and behavioral patterns of demobilized combatants and their wives with a different state of satisfaction with marital relations was conducted and possible resource sources for the preservation of harmonious family interaction and the target of further psychocorrectional work were determined. During 2015–2017, 100 demobilized and their wives were thoroughly examined. The study was conducted by clinico-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. According to the criterion of the success of marital relations, the investigated families were divided into two groups: in the main – 72 couples with a violation of the health of seven; in the comparisons – 28 successful couples. It is established that for spouses with non-harmonic family relations pathological depressive-introvertible, neurotic-depressive and relatively pathological affective labile profiles are characteristic, for balanced marital couples – balanced affective-stable or relatively pathological affective-labile personal profiles. In husbands from non-harmonious families prevailing nonconstructive copy-strategies of all modalities, their wives – a combination of non-constructive and relatively constructive strategies. Harmonious spouses used mainly adaptive copy strategies of all modalities. The use of balanced (affective-stable) or relatively pathological (affective-labile) personal profiles, constructive behavioral strategies for emerging from conflict situations and adaptive copies of all modalities inherent in harmonious spouses, was seen as confirmation of the presence of their intrapersonal resources for the preservation of family health.
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