The features of the structure and severity of aggressiveness have been determined in patients with alcohol dependence with different levels of psychosocial stress. For understanding the ways of modification of existing therapeutic and rehabilitation strategies, taking into account the aggravating effect of this phenomenon on its formation and course, during the period of 2014–2018, using the clinical psychopathological and psycho-diagnostic methods, 312 men with alcohol dependence were examined: 107 combatants, 89 forcibly displaced persons and 116 people – civilians of the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv region. A tendency towards a linear connection between the severity of aggressiveness and psychosocial stress was established: with the increase in the level of stress, the degree of all components of aggressiveness increases, but the increase in the severity of irritability and verbal aggression is much more severe than physical aggression. The regularity of increase in aggressiveness with an increase in the severity of alcohol dependence is determined, with both the severity of the general clinical symptoms (the correlation coefficient between the AUDIT indicators and the aggressiveness index is r=0.887) and the specificity of manifestations of the withdrawal syndrome (the correlation coefficient between the SADQ-C indicators and the aggressiveness index is r=0.743). The revealed regularities should be taken into account when developing treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures for persons suffering from alcohol dependence.
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