For development a differentiated approach to immunocorrection we examined 128 patient with chronic EBV infection. The nature and extent of immune disorders in patients with CEBV infection was established. In terms of clinical and immunological indicators, the effectiveness of the use of the antiviral drug valacyclovir in patients with CEBV infection, which retain a high potential for production of interferon alpha, gamma, interleukin 2, and 12, and the formula of immune disorders has the appearance of RBTL with PGA1-↓ PN1-↓ RBTL with IL-21-↓. Patients whose immune disorder formula looks like INF-α2-↓ INF-γ2-↓ RBTL with PGA1-↓, in order to achieve a positive effect, it is advisable to designate an interferon inducer, sodium oxodihydroacridinyl acetate (Neovir) along with valacyclovir. The effectiveness of combination therapy with valacyclovir, an inducer of sodium interferon and recombinant interferon-α2β (Alpharekin) has been proven in patients with immune disorders: IFN-γ ind.3-↓ IFN-α ind.3-↓ IL-2 ind.2- and low (< 30 %) potential for the production of interferon alpha, gamma, interleukin 2, and 12. It was determined, that the effectiveness of differentiated therapy is related to the nature, degree of immune disturbances and the level of viral load.References
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