Analysis of the impact of coronavirus infection on human health: epidemiological data, vaccination strategies, psychological aspect, consequences (literature review)
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How to Cite

Hrytsenko, L., & Dyuzhikova, O. (2024). Analysis of the impact of coronavirus infection on human health: epidemiological data, vaccination strategies, psychological aspect, consequences (literature review). Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 93(3).


In press

The COVID-19 (COronaVIrus Disease 2019) pandemic has caused widespread morbidity, mortality, and socioeconomic crisis around the world. Since its first outbreak in 2019, COVID-19 has evolved continuously, leading to the emergence of several variants that have gained greater transmission efficiency, severity, and immune evasion properties. Vaccination has proven to be an important strategy to control the spread of the virus and mitigate its impact. The development of multiple COVID-19 vaccines within 1 year of the virus's emergence was unprecedented. The purpose of the article was to analyze and summarize the scientific literature on the impact of COVID-19 on global health, including epidemiological data, vaccination strategies, psychological impact of the pandemic, and human health outcomes. The analysis found that COVID-19 vaccination has been very effective in reducing morbidity, hospitalizations and intensive care unit admissions. However, ongoing surveillance, monitoring of options and adaptive vaccination strategies are crucial to maximize the benefits of vaccination and effectively control the spread of the virus. Globally, the dramatic and rapid spread of COVID-19 has triggered social changes that have led to an increased burden of mental health and fear-related behaviors. The physical and social distancing imposed in many parts of the world has had a significant impact on how the general population communicates and interacts with each other. Extreme avoidance of the lack of social contact has created a sense of "disconnection" that has been further exacerbated by the inability to meet friends and family at social gatherings and supportive places such as churches, restaurants, workplaces, and sports facilities. The closure of schools and many businesses, along with rising unemployment, further exacerbated feelings of isolation, financial hardship, anxiety, and depression. The article provides information on the mental impact of COVID-19 on patients, namely, the virus contributes to mental distress, anxiety, depression, suicide risk, post-traumatic stress disorder, cognitive impairment and sleep disorders.

Keywords: COVID, spread, vaccines, anxiety, depression.
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