Analysis of current initial programs of palliative and hospice care in medical education of Ukraine
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teaching issues
specialty doctor for palliative medicine
typical curriculum

How to Cite

Nesterenko, V. (2024). Analysis of current initial programs of palliative and hospice care in medical education of Ukraine. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 93(2), 40-52.


The system of Palliative and Hospice Care (PHC) of Ukraine is in a state of active development in connection with the new system of financing under the program of medical guarantees, the legalization of medical cannabis. The intersection of the problems of PHC development with aspects of the reform of the primary link of medical care in Ukraine and the ability to ensure the safety of the vulnerable category of palliative patients in conditions of war are debatable. The PHC system does not yet have signs of full integration into the general health care system, there is no doctor for palliative medicine in the list of medical specialties, but in many medical education institutions of Ukraine curricula on palliative medicine have already been developed and implemented in the educational process. Based on the results of bibliosemantic search and systematic analysis of information, the work provides an assessment of existing programs based on the form of teaching and content. The analysis of literature data on the development of educational programs of palliative medicine made it possible to compile a list of questions that was accepted as a standard. The educational programs on palliative medicine, developed by medical education institutions of Ukraine, whose content is compared with the established standard, were analyzed. It was concluded that there are significant differences in the content of palliative medicine educational programs developed by various medical education institutions of Ukraine, which can be minimized in the case of developing a standard educational program. It has been established those practical skills of medical students in the treatment and care of immobile bedridden acquired during training in other clinical specialties have a positive effect on the results of training in the practical component of palliative medicine. It was also found that the unresolved issues of PHC organization in Ukraine are reflected in the content of educational programs in palliative medicine.

Keywords: teaching issues, specialty doctor for palliative medicine, typical curriculum.
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