Life path and scientific heritage of Professor Oleksii Kostyantinovych Bielousov (to the 175th anniversary of his birth and 115th anniversary of his death)
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Bielousov K.O.
history of medicine

How to Cite

Sukhonosov, R., Semenenko, O., Shevtsov, O., & Lopushnyak, L. (2023). Life path and scientific heritage of Professor Oleksii Kostyantinovych Bielousov (to the 175th anniversary of his birth and 115th anniversary of his death). Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 92(4), 87-95.


The article deals with the life of the outstanding scientist-anatomist, Doctor of Medicine, teacher, public figure and artist, Professor Oleksii Kostyantynovych Bielousov. He was born in 1848 into a family of noblemen in the family estate of Yuriyivka, Izyum district. In 1864, he entered the Law Faculty of Kharkiv University. Later, however, under the influence of the works of European and domestic physiologists, he turned to the study of natural sciences, began attending lectures on anatomy, and then finally moved to the medical faculty, which he successfully graduated from in 1875. At the end of 1875, Bielousov O.K. received a medical degree, in 1877 he became an assistant professor at the Department of Anatomy of Kharkiv Imperial University, and in 1899 he was appointed professor of the same department. From 1897 to 1908, Bielousov O.K. headed the Department of Anatomy and gave a course of lectures on normal anatomy at the School of Medicine of Kharkiv Imperial University. In his dissertation "Materials for the Anatomy of Human Vascular Nerves" (1889), Bielousov O.K. studied the peculiarities of the nerves' location in the walls of arteries and veins and described the data on vascular nerves for the first time. Both in lectures and in private conversations with students, Bielousov O.K. vividly and imaginatively characterized the multifaceted importance of anatomy for the development of the theory and practice of medicine, as well as physical culture, painting, and sculpture. Professors Vorobiov V.P. and Iosyfov G.M. became the most talented students of Professor Bielousov O.K. Professor Bielousov O.K. did a lot to expand the educational museum of the Department of Anatomy, which, thanks to his efforts, was enriched with many exclusive preparations, drawings and tables.

Keywords: Bielousov K.O., anatomy, history of medicine, biography.
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