Structural characteristic of the model of early detection and primary prevention of cerebral stroke among the adult population


measures of early detection and primary prevention
stroke pathology
optimized model
functional devices

How to Cite

Mishchenko М. (2023). Structural characteristic of the model of early detection and primary prevention of cerebral stroke among the adult population. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 92(3), 70-77.


In the article, based on the analysis of world literary sources, official statistical data, and the work of international medical organizations, a systematic analysis and generalization of modern world experience regarding the possibilities of improving the system of early detection and primary prevention of brain strokes among the adult population was carried out. Based on this, an optimized model of early detection and primary prevention of brain strokes among the adult population was developed and scientifically substantiated. The optimized model takes into account the existing medical and social problems of people with brain strokes, the existing shortcomings in the measures of early detection and primary prevention of brain strokes among the adult population, and global achievements and developments. The proposed optimized model of early detection and primary prevention of brain strokes was developed on the basis of own research, careful and thorough study and analysis of modern models of work of domestic health care institutions and best practices of other countries. The optimized model consists of six main interconnected and interdependent main activity apparatuses (structural components of the model): conceptual and categorical apparatus (purpose, tasks, principles, priorities, approaches, properties); strategic and operational apparatus (management levels: strategic, tactical, operational); rule-making apparatus (existing legal framework, formation of new rule-making acts); information and communication apparatus (collection and processing of information, formation of a data bank); functional and organizational apparatus (individual, family, group and population level); practical-implementation apparatus (resource-action and subject-object guidelines, achievement of expected results, verification of effective and corrective measures (if necessary)).

Keywords: measures of early detection and primary prevention, stroke pathology, optimized model, functional devices.


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