Study of the influence of modifier concentrations on the technological and physico-mechanical properties of doped packing materials for complete removable dentures manufacturing
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modifier compound
complete acrylic removable constructions
gypsum mixture
prosthetic dental rehabilitation

How to Cite

Yanishen , I., & Andrienko, K. (2021). Study of the influence of modifier concentrations on the technological and physico-mechanical properties of doped packing materials for complete removable dentures manufacturing. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 90(4), 66-73.


Successful dental rehabilitation of a patient with complete removable dentures depends not only on a number of features of the selected design and clinical conditions of the patient's prosthetic area. It depends also on the technology of developing materials used for its manufacture. The purpose of our study was to study the influence of the number of modifiers on technological and physical -mechanical properties of doped packing materials in the manufacture of removable structures of dental prostheses according to the improved method. We performed orthopedic treatment of 45 patients aged 50 to 75 years (average age 59.5±3.2) with complete removable dentures for the upper and lower jaws. We determined the values of the concentrations most favorable to the addition of modifiers in the researched doped packaging material, the introduction of which into the technological process makes it possible to have better indicators of physical and mechanical properties, namely: hydrophilic ratio, total working time, structuring time, relative expansion during structuring, strength compression and roughness index of gypsum samples. If the structuring time of the standard gypsum mixture solution according to ISO-6873 is (4.0±0.2) minutes, then the investigated compositions "Base Stone", "Gypsum highness type 10" and "ORTHOGYPS" with the addition of modified samples of organosilicon emulsion, butadiene styrene latex and polyvinyl acetate dispersion when the minimum dose of modifier concentrations, the average value of which was 0.08–0.10%, was introduced, this time was extended by an average of 2–2.5 times. It was determined that the developed modified components of the alloyed packing material, in turn, provided acceptable accuracy of the base of the removable denture, which corresponded to the working model due to the improvement of the physical and mechanical properties of the packing material.

Keywords: modifier compound, complete acrylic removable constructions, gypsum mixture, prosthetic dental rehabilitation.
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