Prediction of threatened in accord with progesterone receptor gene polymorphism
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progesterone receptor gene
threatened abortion
gene polymorphism

How to Cite

Kryvopustov, O. (2020). Prediction of threatened in accord with progesterone receptor gene polymorphism. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 70(1), 66–71. Retrieved from


It has been studied prognosis of threatened abortion in women of reproductive age taking into account progesterone receptor gene polymorphism (SNP PGR) rs590688. Statistically significant predictors of this pathology development are stress level on a scale of Perceived Stress Scale and single nucleotide polymorphism of progesterone receptor gene (SNP PGR) rs590688. Homozygous carriers of G-allele SNP PGR rs590688 is associated with an increased risk of threatened abortion in 2,5 times.

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