Dynamics of restoration of hip joints function after bilateral arthroplasty
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hip joint
lower extremity function

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Sinegubov, D. (2020). Dynamics of restoration of hip joints function after bilateral arthroplasty. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 66(1), 87–94. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/473


The restoration of support and locomotor function of the lower limbs in 238 patients after bilateral two-stage hip replacement was studied. The recovery of static function of the lower extremities by statometric examination has been investigated. It is showed, that after the replacement surgery of one hip the equable distribution of the load on both legs is an average of 6 months of operation is developed.  During study of the dynamic function of the lower extremities by computer gait analysis it is revealed, that after a hip arthroplasty is a short-term reduction of the load on the operated limb, and then, after 3 months of operation, a gradual increasing in load takes place. After second stage of bilateral hip arthroplasty first three months after surgery the load on the operated lower limb recently decreased, while the duration of the support of her walking was also short-lived. Three months after the second joint replacement the features of walk of both limbs started to level off and achieved the equal values ​​up to 6 months. Thus, in case of bilateral two-stage hip arthroplasty the interval 4–6 months between joint replacement surgeries may be recommended as the best in order to prevent the overload of previously implanted endoprosthesis.

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