Electrophysiological characteristics of candidate patients for the implantation of a three-chamber pacemaker


chronic heart failure
ventricular dyssynchrony

How to Cite

Karpenko, Y., & Hanafi , M. (2020). Electrophysiological characteristics of candidate patients for the implantation of a three-chamber pacemaker. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 34–38. Retrieved from https://msz.knmu.edu.ua/article/view/360


The electrophysiological characteristics of candidate patients for the implantation of a three-chamber pacemaker assessed. There was shown that narrow QRS interval (< 120 ms) occurs in 77 (57.5 %) patients, and an elongated (> 120 ms) in 57 (42.5 %), including in 32 (23.9 %) – due to LBBB. Patients with an extended QRS interval, on average 141±7 ms, have the changes in the amplitude of the Q, and R in the leads V1, V2, V3R, and VRR in the form of rSR', rsR', RsR', RSR', and rR'. Combination of the prolonged atrioventricular conduction and conducting on the right branch of the bundle with an elongated ejection time in the pulmonary artery and aorta could be considered as indications for three-chamber pacing in patients with chronic heart failure.



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