Algorithm for monitoring of young children born from mothers with alcohol use


young children
fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

How to Cite

Konovalova, N. (2020). Algorithm for monitoring of young children born from mothers with alcohol use. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 75(2), 29–33. Retrieved from


The data of 85 young children were processed. Perinatal and anthropometric sings, electroencephalographic patterns and developmental assessment by KID-RCDI-2000 were performed. It is shown, that more severe delay of development was in children with alcohol related birth defects. The cognitive, motor, speech and language, socio-emotional and adaptive domains were undevelopmental even in fetal and partial fetal alcohol syndromes. The abnormalities of EEG are inherent. The data obtained from the monitoring of children of early age with prenatal alcohol exposure, allowed to create the algorithm of medical care. The use of algorithm of monitoring young children with prenatal alcohol exposure will improve medical and social care of young children with prenatal alcohol exposure in low and middle income country as Ukraine.



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