Organization of the process of diagnosis and substantiation of criteria for evaluating the functional state of the cardiovascular system in traumatic illness in patients with elevated body mass index
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hemodynamic parameters
increased body mass index
mathematical models

How to Cite

Kucheryavchenko, V., Volkova, Y., Sharlai, K., Lisova, G., & Bielievtsova , I. (2020). Organization of the process of diagnosis and substantiation of criteria for evaluating the functional state of the cardiovascular system in traumatic illness in patients with elevated body mass index. Medicine Today and Tomorrow, 78(1), 50–57. Retrieved from


The results of a comprehensive clinical and instrumental dynamic study of hemodynamic parameters in 224 patients is analized with an increased body mass index with a polytrauma who were treated for a period from 1 day to 1 year from the date of injury. Analysis of mathematical models in all groups of patients determined that the process under study is regular with periods of instability of the cardiovascular system in response to the injuries, the more pronounced the larger the patient's body mass index at the time of admission to the hospital.

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